* From gdg

Out the many broken backdoors and windows,
Through the valley of the love of the lost,
Is a hole that is cut through the souls falling down
from the thrones without leaving any windows.
But you drown in a piece for the moment.
The moment was over in time.
Then its gone the hit and run the tactless one has a short life.

I'm in love with a girl who knows me better.
Fell for the woman just when I met her,
Took my sweet time when I was bitter,
Someone understands.
And she knows how to treat a fella right,
Gives me that feeling every night,
Wants to make love when I wanna fight.
Now someone understand me.

Postat av: Karolina

åh vad vacker du är carolina!

2009-01-12 @ 10:35:51
URL: http://hannalinneakarolina.blogg.se/
Postat av: jenny

typ skit snygg

2009-01-12 @ 20:05:37
Postat av: Carolina

Tack detsamma tjejer!!

2009-01-13 @ 12:38:09

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